Read the following text to answer questions 1-4.Amelia is a

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Dimasanindyasafiki pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Read the following text to answer questions 1-4.Amelia is a girl of medium height and
somewhat thin. She wears her hair in two plaits.
She lives is near my house. We are of the same
age. We go to the same school and sit next to
me in the classroom. We do everything together,
she is my best friend.
Amelia and I share many interests. She
likes to read as I do. She collects stamps too
and we exchange them with one another. We
like to discuss our school work and help each
other with it
I am fortunate to have Amelia for a friend.
She is friendly and ever willing to help others in
difficulty. She is a good friend.
1. What does the text tell us about?
a. The writer's best friend
b. The writer's hobby
c. Amelia's best friend
d. Amelia's hobby
2. According to the passage, Amelia and the
writer are...
a roommates c. sisters
b. classmates d. family
3. The following statenents are correct about amelia,except…
a. She likes reading
b. She is helpful girl
c. She is older than the writer
d. Her hobby is collecting stamps
4. "I am fortunate to have Amelia for a friend."
What is the meaning of "fortnate"?
a. Heavy
b. Happy
c. Crazy
d. Lucky​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. c. Amelia's best friend ( sahabat Amelia )


Teks tersebut menceritakan bahwa Amelia adalah sahabat dari penulis teks tersebut.

2. b. classmates ( Teman sekelas )


We go to the same school and sit next to  me in the classroom [ Kami pergi kesekolah yang sama dan kami satu kelas ]

3. c. She is older than the writer ( dia [ Amelia ] lebih tua dari si penulis )


Di teks tersebut tertuliskan bahwa Amelia memiliki usia yang sama dengan si penulis teks dan mereka teman satu kelas

4. d. Lucky​ ( Beruntung )


I am fortunate to have Amelia for a friend ( saya [ si penulis teks ] beruntung memiliki teman seperti Amelia )

Semoga Membantu


   Hope this help

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Last Update: Fri, 30 Jul 21