Giraffe A zoo is a place for protecting the endanger

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari alfirda73 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Giraffe A zoo is a place for protecting the endanger animals. There are many animals that must be protected by the government. Giraffe, for example. They are interesting animals in the zoo. Many people are interested in them, especially the children. The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. It can eat the leaves of the high trees easily. Why? Because It has a very long neck. The beautiful spots on its body makes giraffe interesting. So many children are interested in it The difference between the male and the female is: The male is about 5.5 m tall, and weight about: 1361 kg. The male and female have homs. Male's homs are longer then female's horns. The male's neck will continue to increase throughout its twenty-plus years of life. Giraffes use their neck to brows the leaves of trees. Beside the male uses the long neck for combat on competition. Each of the giraffe can eat more than 64 kg of leaves and twigs a day. By kicking with great force, giraffes can defend themselves. A kick of adult giraffe can break lion's spin, or lion's skull,1. What is the type of the text? Answer:

2. What does the first paragraph talk about?

Answer: 3. Why can giraffe eat the leaves on the high tree?

Answer: 4. Which part of giraffe's body can break the skull?

Answer: 5. How many leaves can a giraffe eat everyday?

Answer: 6. How tall is a female giraffe?

Answer: 7. How heavy is a female giraffe? Answer

8. What is the function of giraffe's legs?


9. How does the giraffe defend him self against threats?

Answer. 10. Are giraffes protected animals?


bantu kak pls​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Descriptive text
The first paragraph is talking about how zoo protects some endangered animals, the ones that has some chances of going extinct
Because they have long necks
Legs since they’re used to kicking things
About 64kg or more
(Ngga ada di teks)
(Ngga ada di teks)
To walk stand and alsoto defend themselves
Yes, most giraffes are protected

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Jan 22