Practice the following dialog. ronald : ryan, have you finished your

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sigit1157 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Practice the following dialog.ronald : ryan, have you finished your assignment?

ryan : not yet. what about you?

ronald : i’ve finished, but i *must* recheck before submitting it to the teacher.

ryan : we still have time to do it, right?

ronald : yes. we still have two days to finish. we *have to* submit it the day after tomorrow.

ryan : you’re right. i *must* finish my work as soon as possible.

ronald : do you have difficulties so far?

ryan : yup! will you help me, please?

ronald : sure.

1. what do the words in bold you find in the previous dialog mean in indonesian?

2. what do the speakers use the words in bold for?

3. do the words in bold have a similar function? what is the function(s) of the words?

4. what type of verbs follows the words in bold?

5. what another situation can you use the words in bold for your sentences? what would you say for each situation?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.must and have to mean in Indonesian is Harus

2.something that have to do

3.yes, for asking that something have to do




Maaf hanya bisa bantu sedikit ya, soalnya saya masih kls 5 sd, blm banyak bljr maaf ya kak dan maaf klo salah sekian terimakasih

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Last Update: Sun, 02 Jan 22