materi: Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future PerfectDavid is a productive

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari shiigtmr pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Materi: Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future PerfectDavid is a productive Junior High School student. Since 2017, he _______________________ (1. win) several competitions. He even won two competitions in the same month. When he gained a trophy as Math Olympic Champion, he previously _______________________ (2. get) a medal in speech competition. Next month, he will participate in English Story Telling Contest, if he win, by the end of this semester, he _______________________ (3. obtain) five trophies and 3 medals.

David is active member of student council. He and his friends _______________________ (4. hold) three big events up until now. Last month, they successfully held sport event among schools before they _______________________ (5. organize) school 50th anniversary celebration. Many member want David to be the next stundent council leader. If this really happens, by next month, David _______________________ (6. be) a new student council leader.

Beside English and Math, David really likes sport especially Basketball. For three years, David _______________________ (7. practice) basketball by himself. That’s why, when he joined School Basketball Team last year, he _______________________ (8. master) the technique of playing basketball. David _______________________ (9. participate) in five competitions when David graduates from school next year.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


(1) Won

(2) Got

(3) "He'll" Obtain

(4) Held

(5) Organized

(6) Will become

(7) practiced

(8) Mastered

Maaf bila salah, terimakasih.

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Last Update: Mon, 28 Feb 22