38. Which one is the correct sentence? *2 poinA. The elephant

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yunitaputri345 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

38. Which one is the correct sentence? *2 poin

A. The elephant is heaviest than the cow

B. The cow is lighter than the donkey

C. The cow is the heavier than the horse

D. The donkey is the lightest animal

39. The cow is …………….the horse*

2 poin

A. As heavy as

B. Heavier than

C. Lighter than

D. As old as

Opsi 5

40. The elephant is ………… animal of allA. the lightestB. the heaviestC. the most lightD. the most heavy *

2 poin

A. the lightest

B. the heaviest

C. the most light

D. the most heavy

41. I am ________ a movie at the moment. I will call you once it is over *

2 poin

A. watching

B. watched

C. watch

D. Watches

42. what ……. you …….. ? *

2 poin

A. is – doing

B. are – doing

C. am – doing

D. were – doing

38. Which one is the correct sentence? *2 poinA. The elephant is heaviest than the cowB. The cow is lighter than the donkeyC. The cow is the heavier than the horseD. The donkey is the lightest animal39. The cow is …………….the horse*2 poinA. As heavy asB. Heavier thanC. Lighter thanD. As old asOpsi 540. The elephant is ………… animal of allA.	the lightestB.	the heaviestC.	the most lightD.	the most heavy *2 poinA. the lightestB. the heaviestC. the most lightD. the most heavy41. I am ________ a movie at the moment. I will call you once it is over *2 poinA. watchingB. watchedC. watchD. Watches42. what ……. you …….. ? *2 poinA. is – doingB. are – doingC. am – doingD. were – doing​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


38. c

39. a

40. b


42. b


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Last Update: Mon, 07 Jun 21