This text is for no.My Brotherwant to plan about my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari silvianurmagfiroh pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

This text is for no.My Brother
want to plan about my brother. His name is Munarmad Ridho, i call turn ido. He is eleven years old. Ridho is five
orader student at SD Al-Azhar Way Halim,
His hight is about 158 cm and body weight 60 kg. Ridho has slanted eyes, bold eyebrow, and pointed nose. His hair is
short and black and his skin is white. He is a handsome boy.
Ridho is a clever student. He has always been the top five in his class. Ridho is a diligent boy. He always studies
His hobby is playing football. He always plays football after school. Beside that he also like drawing. He has a dream
to be a painter. I'm proud to have brother like him. I'm very fond of him.
Taken from
1. Who is we talk about based on the text?
2. Ridho
b. a clever student
c. Muhammad Ridho
d. My brother
2. What is the nick name of Muhammad Ridho ?
a. Ahmad
t. ldo
c. Brother
d. handsome
3. How old is Muhammad Ridho based on the text?
d. the eleventh years old b. 158 cm
C. 60 kg
d. 11 years old
1. is Muhammad Ridho a clever student?
a. Yes, he is
b. No, he is not
c. No, he doesn't
d. Yes, he does​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.




3.11 years old

4.yes,he does

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Last Update: Wed, 25 Aug 21