My Unforgettable Experience My name is Anjani. I have an

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My Unforgettable ExperienceMy name is Anjani. I have an experience which I can't forget forever. I joined the Traditional Dance Competition in Jakarta last year. I represented my junior high school. It was the biggest competition I've ever joined. I practiced hard with my teacher for a whole month to prepare for it. We also prepared the best costume we had. We only had one day to spend in Jakarta. We went there by plane. We left at 6 a.m. and arrived in Jakarta at 7 a.m. In the airport, we hailed a taxi to take us to the place where the competition was held. It took us an hour to get there because the road was quite crowded. There were already some participants when we arrived. The competition would start in an hour. First, my teacher and I went to the dressing room. My teacher helped me do the make-up and wear the costume. We spent almost an hour for the preparation. I told my teacher that I was really nervous. I was not ready for this. However, she told me that everything was all right. She cheered me up and I felt better after that. Then, the time came for me to perform on stage. There were five judges and about two hundreds people watching me. However, I did not feel nervous anymore. I performed on the stage confidently. I really did the best I could. I was glad when it ended smoothly. After that, we waited for the announcement of the result. It was at 4 p.m. when the judges finished making their final decision. I was so impatient to hear the result. I still could not believe when they called my name as the first winner. I was so happy to be given the trophy. My teacher was also proud of my achievement. Finally, we went back to Yogyakarta in the evening. We were so tired. However, we were satisfied because our effort brought us good result.
1. When was the competition held?
2. What competition it was?
3. What did they do in the dressing room?
4. How was the result of the competition?
5. What tenses used in the text? Why does the text use it? HOTS​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Last year in Jakarta.

2. It was the Traditional Dance Competion.

3. They did their make up and costume.

4. They were the first winner and got a trophy.

5. Past tense, because it happened in the past.

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Jun 22