Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari irfangulfafa12 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

CCHANGE THE SENTENCES INTO CORRECT FORM OF VERBS1. The princess (get) married when she was seventeen.
2. When Adi called his mother, she (cook) in the kitchen.
3. The children (play) football in the yard when it rained
4. Before we went to the beach, father (lock) the door.
5. After Khatijah ( do ) the assignment, she helped her parents
6. Sasmita (read) new novel while his sister (wash) the clothes.
7. I and mother (watch) television when father (come) home.
8. The team (discuss) all the problems before they (leave) the room A Aa Review Clipboard Font x' x,
9. After the students (finish) writing, the lesson, they (take) a rest.
10.The girls (be) in the library at the ten yesterday morning.
*yang bisa tolong jawab*​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. The princess was getting married when she was seventeen.

2. When Adi called his mother, she was cooking in the kitchen.

3. The children were playing football in the yard when it rained

4. Before we went to the beach, father locked the door.

5. After Khatijah was doing the assignment, she helped her parents

6. Sasmita was reading new novel while his sister was washing the clothes.

7. I and mother were watching television when father came home.

8. The team were discussing all the problems before they left the room

9. After the students finished writing, the lesson, they took a rest.

10.The girls were in the library at the ten yesterday morning.

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Last Update: Tue, 26 Apr 22