My name is Ririn. Today I don't go to school

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adityaanuggrah pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

My name is Ririn. Today I don't go to school because I am sick. I feel so weak. Mymother takes me to meet a doctor at the clinic near to my house.
In the doctor's room, a doctor examines me. She uses her stethoscope to listen to
my heartbeat. She also puts a thermometer on my armpit. She says that I have a fever
and a cold. She asks me to take rest. She gives prescription, so that my mother can use
it to take medicines at the pharmacy. She asks me to take the medicines three times a
day after eating.Ubah ke bahasa Indonesia​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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My name is Ririn. Today I don't go to school because I am sick. I feel so weak. My

mother takes me to meet a doctor at the clinic near to my house.

In the doctor's room, a doctor examines me. She uses her stethoscope to listen to

my heartbeat. She also puts a thermometer on my armpit. She says that I have a fever

and a cold. She asks me to take rest. She gives prescription, so that my mother can use

it to take medicines at the pharmacy. She asks me to take the medicines three times a

day after eating

translate into Indonesian:

Nama saya Ririn. Hari ini saya tidak pergi ke sekolah karena saya sakit. Saya merasa sangat lemah. Saya

ibu membawa saya menemui dokter di klinik dekat rumah saya.

Di kamar dokter, seorang dokter memeriksa saya. Dia menggunakan stetoskopnya untuk mendengarkan

detak jantungku. Dia juga memasang termometer di ketiak saya. Dia bilang aku demam

dan pilek. Dia memintaku untuk istirahat. Dia memberi resep agar ibuku bisa menggunakannya

itu untuk minum obat di apotek. Dia meminta saya untuk minum obat tiga kali a

hari setelah makan.


sorry wrong

and not quite right

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Last Update: Tue, 27 Jul 21