ACTIVITY 3 Complete the following statements based on what the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zahrawidyaa67 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

ACTIVITY 3 Complete the following statements based on what the people say in Activity 2. 1. According to Erlin: a. Her brother can b. He can't 2. According to Denias : a. Most boys in his hometown can b. They can also ...... c. They are also ableto. d. The girls in his hometown can. 3. According to Emily: a. She can b. She is able to. c. She can't d. She does her stories can. 4. According to Noval: a. Arumi can b. She is also able to c. She can by leveraging her expertise. 5. According to Mrs. Maharsiwi : a. The students are able to b. She (Mrs. Maharsiwi) hopes they are able to through writing .... a days To support her stories .Very wellbantuuuuu!!!!!​
ACTIVITY 3 Complete the following statements based on what the people say in Activity 2. 1. According to Erlin: a. Her brother can b. He can't 2. According to Denias : a. Most boys in his hometown can b. They can also ...... c. They are also ableto. d. The girls in his hometown can. 3. According to Emily: a. She can b. She is able to. c. She can't d. She does her stories can. 4. According to Noval: a. Arumi can b. She is also able to c. She can by leveraging her expertise. 5. According to Mrs. Maharsiwi : a. The students are able to b. She (Mrs. Maharsiwi) hopes they are able to through writing .... a days To support her stories .Very wellbantuuuuu!!!!!​

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harus ada foto activity 2 karna ini based on cerita , jadi gabisa jawab sesuka kita .

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Dec 21