The following text is for questions 17 to 22.It was

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari v1v1anotscren pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

The following text is for questions 17 to 22.It was early in the moming when five staff of the charity Intemational Animal Rescue (IAR)
arrived at the forest. The forest was hazy with smoke. They breathed through cloth masks as they
searched for a dehydrated--and possibly dying-orangutan and her infant seen the previous
. A farmer reported seeing the mother and daughter orangutans near a palm oil farm which
was on fire.
After several hours searching through the haze, they finally found the pair. They used anes-
thetics and medical check-ups to determine if the two orangutans could survive in a safe zone
away from the fires. These orangutans were lucky because IAR got them before the smoke
caused too much damage. The team took them to a safe zone on the island.
17. The text mostly tells us about
a. the rescuing of orangutans from the bushfire
b. a safe zone for orangutans
the process of delivering a baby orangutan
d. the experience of the orangutans in a safe zone
18. "After several hours searching through the haze..." (Paragraph 2)
The underlined word has a similar meaning to ...
a breeze
b. smog

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


17.a. the rescuing of orangutans feom the bush fire

18.b smog


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Last Update: Mon, 07 Jun 21