Пепа43. read the text and answer the question.to gea,+i've heard

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari IrmaWa3098 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Пепа43. read the text and answer the question.
to gea,
i've heard that you do not feel well.
i am praying for a quick recovery. get better
and make my prayers come true.
l'arh sending you warm regards and hopes that
you will get well soon.
your friend,
.... you will get well soon." the underlined expression has similar meaning to
a. clever
b. suffer
c. recover
d. remember
44 read the text and answer the question.
dear robert,
please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for
your loss. our thoughts are with you and your
family during this difficult time.
the text purposes to
a. ask for apology
b. inform something
c. congratulate someone
d. show deepest sympathy
45. read the text and answer the question.
dear robert,
please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for
your loss. our thoughts are with you and your
family d

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Last Update: Mon, 28 Feb 22