Do the following tasks.1. Read the following text.List the adjectives

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari reskimauliana6 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Do the following tasks.1. Read the following text.
List the adjectives and explain their meanings.
My Life During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Hi, I'm Delia. I have stayed home for more
than six months. I do still learn and study, but
I don't do it with my teachers and classmates
in a classroom. I sometimes have video calls
friends. We chat and laugh together,
and feel happy. I really miss them.
Well, I can't sit idle. In order not to get
bored, I make interesting contents for my
YouTube channel. My videos are different from
the existing ones. I hope people like them and
2. Answer the following questions based on the
text in number 1.
a. What is the text about?
b. How long has Delia not attended school?
c. How does Delia feel when she can't meet
her teachers and friends?
d. What does Delia do to spend her spare time?
e. What makes her videos special?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


a. the text is about Delia's life during the COVID-19 pandemic.

b. she has stayed at home for six months.

c. she feels happy when chat and laugh with her friends, but she also miss them.

d. she makes interesting contents for her YouTube channel.

e. her videos is different from the existing ones.


semangat belajar yaa

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Last Update: Mon, 07 Jun 21