“Kota Surabaya""Kota Surabaya" is the hero's city that is located

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rikoriyanto023 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

“Kota Surabaya""Kota Surabaya" is the hero's city that is located in the East of Java Island. It
is in the East Java province that closes to Madura Strain and Java Sea. Surabaya is
being the economic center of East Java, because it is the biggest city in East Java.
"Kota Surabaya" is also the capital city of East Java, which is the governance
center. There is a governor office there. The governor of East Java is Khofifah
Indar Parawansa and the vice governor is Emil Dardak. However, Surabaya also
has an own mayor. Her name is Tri Rismaharini. “Kota Surabaya" is the center of
East Java which is very great.
What office is there in Surabaya based on the text above?
Who is the mayor of Surabaya?
Why is "Kota Surabaya" being the economic center of East Java?
How is "Kota Surabaya" as the center of East Java?
Is Tri Rismaharini the vice governor of East Java?​

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nggak Thu maaf ya..............

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jul 21