Change the sentences from active to passive.1.the government is planning

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Belfika5317 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Change the sentences from active to passive.1.
the government is planning a new road.
2. my grandfather built this house in 1943.
3. the boy was writing a letter.
4. the maid has cleaned the office.
5. he has written three books since 2000.
6. john wil tell you later.
7. sthe students must do the homwework.
8. people speak english in malaysia.
9. everybody loves bts.
10. they are building a new house.

for further no. 1-20 is in the picture. (jangan menjawab asal-asalan hanya untuk mendapatkan poin!!!)
please help me ! ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Change the sentences from active to passive.

1. the government is planning a new road.

answer: a new road is being planned by the government.

2. my grandfather built this house in 1943.

answer: this house was built by my grandfather in 1943

3. the boy was writing a letter.

answer: a letter was being written by the boy.

4. the maid has cleaned the office.

answer: the office has been cleaned by the maid.

5. he has written three books since 2000.

answer: three books has been written by him since 2000.

6. john wil tell you later.

answer: you will be told by John later

7. the students must do the homwework.

answer: the homework must be done by the students.

8. people speak english in malaysia.

answer: Engilsh is spoken by people in Malaysia

9. everybody loves bts.

anwer: BTS is loved by everybody

10. they are building a new house.

answer: a new house are being built by them.

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Last Update: Mon, 23 May 22