Questions:1. What is the topic of the dialogue?Answer :2.What does

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fabianArya pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Questions:1. What is the topic of the dialogue?
Answer :
What does Dedi's parrot look like?
Who has more then one bird?
Answer :
What does probably makes an owl look scary?
Answer :
Are the boys animal lovers?
Answer :
Will Tegar come to Dedi's house?
Answer :
Where does the dialogue take place?
Answer :
Based on the dialogue what is Dedi's favorite pet?
9. Based on the dialogue, what day is it?
10. "Its beak is sharp so as its eyes". We can infer that....

Questions:1. What is the topic of the dialogue?Answer :2.What does Dedi's parrot look like?Answer:3.Who has more then one bird?Answer :4.What does probably makes an owl look scary?Answer :5.Are the boys animal lovers?Answer :6.Will Tegar come to Dedi's house?Answer :7.Where does the dialogue take place?Answer :8.Based on the dialogue what is Dedi's favorite pet?Answer:9. Based on the dialogue, what day is it?Answer:10.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Pet

2. The color is green combined with yellow.

3. Dedi

4. Maybe that's because their head can turn/rotate 270°

5. Yes

6. Yes, tegar will come to Dedi's next sunday.

7. Tegar's house

8. Parrot

9. Sunday

10. Owl stare as sharp as their beak


Maaf banget kalau mungkin ada yang salah, semoga membantu yaa

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Last Update: Mon, 02 Aug 21