tolong plis bantu plis ku mohon ​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arsiyahsenu455 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Tolong plis bantu plis ku mohon ​
tolong plis bantu plis ku mohon ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1.) Dialogue I

A: Good morning, have a seat. (Good morning, have a seat)

B: I want a haircut. (I want a haircut)

A: What do you want? (What do you want?)

B: Give me a trim. I want my hair shorter. (Just cut. I want to make my hair shorter)

A: Do you want a razor or should I use scissors? (Would you like to use a razor or should I just use scissors?)

B: Cut a razor for both sides, and use the trimmer for the rest. (Razor for the two sides, and use scissors for the rest)

A: How about I give you more trim on this section? It might look something like this image. (What if I cut more of it in parts here? It might look like this picture)

B: You mean, number 5? No, thank you. I don't want to have a crew cut. (You mean, number 5? No thanks. I don't want a cropped haircut)

J: Alright then. Sit up straight. (Alright then. Sit up straight)

2.) Lihat pada gambar yaahh

3,4,dan 5 bisa mencari pada google tentang "dialog pekerjaan pada orang-orang tersebut"


Jadikan JAWABAN TERCERDAS bila ini sangat membantu dan bermanfaat untuk Anda:))

1.) Dialogue IA: Good morning, have a seat. (Good morning, have a seat)B: I want a haircut. (I want a haircut)A: What do you want? (What do you want?)B: Give me a trim. I want my hair shorter. (Just cut. I want to make my hair shorter)A: Do you want a razor or should I use scissors? (Would you like to use a razor or should I just use scissors?)B: Cut a razor for both sides, and use the trimmer for the rest. (Razor for the two sides, and use scissors for the rest)A: How about I give you more trim on this section? It might look something like this image. (What if I cut more of it in parts here? It might look like this picture)B: You mean, number 5? No, thank you. I don't want to have a crew cut. (You mean, number 5? No thanks. I don't want a cropped haircut) J: Alright then. Sit up straight. (Alright then. Sit up straight)2.) Lihat pada gambar yaahh3,4,dan 5 bisa mencari pada google tentang

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jul 21