Make some mobiles to decorate your room.You can hang them

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari MarniBalikpapan2020 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Make some mobiles to decorate your room.You can hang them from the ceiling or on theWindows or doors.You need strings, stick and cardboard to make mobiles.

How to make it:

1. Take a stick . Tie a pierce of string its center.Balance the stick from the string. Each end of the stick should not be higher or lower than the other

2. Draw squares , circles, rectangles, triangles, star and other shapes on a cardboard.cut.
Qut the shapes

3.Use string to hang the cut Qut shapes on both sides of the stick. Make sure that the stick is balanced.

4. Do the sampe thing with another stick. Then tie these two sticks to another stick above them.You can hang other light things like keys, feather, pencils or sharpeners.They will move easily when there is some wind.

6. The setring should be tied...
a.At both ends of the stick.
b.At the center of the stick
C.To the door, window of ceiling
d. To kesy feather and sharpeners

7. To make a simple mobile, you ned a least... sticks
b. Two
C. Three
d. Four
8. It is best to use light things because they...
a.move Easily
b. Are balanced
C.Are colourful
d. Are many shapes

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6.  b. At the center of the stick.

7.  b. two

8.  a. move easily


Semoga membantu maaf ya kalau salah ^_^

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Last Update: Sun, 29 Aug 21