Text 1 The reading habit among Indonesian students is still

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Text 1The reading habit among Indonesian students is still low. There are many reasons for this fact. However, it is mainly caused by the high princes  of good books, a small number good books available and other activities young people prefer to do.

Firstly, books are relatively expensive in Indonesia. Publishers  claim that the prices of raw materials and the production costs of books are high and  keeping  increasing. Therefore, books are sold expensively; and consequently , most students can’t afford them.

Secondly. If we browse the bookshelves at bookstores. It is not easy  to find real high quality books. Some books with good topics may have plain and boring designs, while there are also books which look good but the contents are almost not worth-reading.

Thirdly, and quite unfortunately, nowadays there are many kinds of activities other than reading, and the young people prefer doing them.  These include watching youth soap operas on Tv, listening to music and songs  with meaningless lyrics or just hanging out at shopping malls. Such activities clearly do not offer as much as learning as the book reading habit does. And , clearly, they forget the saying “ a book is a window to the world “

In conclusion, it is clear that the reading habit among Indonesian students is still low for the reasons above. If we expect changes from this situation, everybody must take a apart. Students must be willing to set their preference to useful activities such as reading book.

1.According to the writer why are the reading habit among Indonesian students is still low. ?

2. Why is  the price of the book relatively expensive in Indonesia ?

3. ...and young  people prefer doing them . What does the underlined word refer to ?

4. What is the main idea of paragraph 4 ?

5. Why do you think that young people prefer watching  youth operas on Tv to reading books ?

6. Mention the thesis of the text  !

7. How many arguments are stated in the text above ?

8. Mention the reiteration of the text !

9. What is the purpose of the text above ?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The answer according to the text is

  1. The reading habit among Indonesian students is still low because the high princes of good books, a small number good books available and other activities young people prefer to do.
  2. The price of the book relatively expensive in Indonesia because the prices of raw materials and the production costs of books are high and  keeps increasing.
  3. There's no underlined word in the question, but i assume it's "them" in the text. "Them" refer to watching youth soap operas on TV, listening to music and songs with meaningless lyrics or just hanging out at shopping malls.
  4. Paragraph 4's main idea is there are many kinds of activities other than reading that young people prefer to do.
  5. Young people prefer watching youth operas on TV because it's quite amusing and easier to catch up than reading.
  6. The thesis of the text is reading habit among Indonesian students is still low.
  7. There are three arguments stated in the text.
  8. The reiteration of the text is if we expect changes from this situation, then everyone must take a part and students must be willing to set their preference to useful activities such as reading book.
  9. The purpose of the text is to persuade the reader that reading habit in Indonesia should be increased.


Teks tersebut merupakan contoh dari analytical exposition text. Analytical exposition text adalah sebuah teks yang berisi argumen seseorang mengenai suatu permasalahan atau isu tanpa bermaksud untuk memaksa pembacanya mengikuti argumen tersebut. Isu yang dibicarakan dapat mencakup banyak hal secara luas, seperti isu sosial, lingkungan, budaya, ekonomi, dan sebagainya. Argumen dalam analytical exposition text ditulis sebagai bahan diskusi terkait dengan permasalahan yang diangkat.

Dalam analytical exposition text, terdapat tiga struktur yang menyusunnya, yakni:

  • Thesis

Berisi pengantar atau penjelasan awal mengenai isu yang hendak dibicarakan.

  • Arguments

Berisi rangkaian argumen yang dipaparkan terkait dengan isu tersebut.

  • Reiteration

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Last Update: Mon, 31 Jan 22