1.A: What time does the train to Greytown depart?B:......2. A:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari cantikas214 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.A: What time does the train to Greytown depart?B:......

2. A: How much is the fare of one-way first class train to Greenville?

3. A: What platform is for the train to Foxly?
B: ........

4. A: What time does the train to Westview arrive?


5. A: How much is the fare of the round trip second class train to Greenville?


tolong jawab dgn benar ​
1.A: What time does the train to Greytown depart?B:......2. A: How much is the fare of one-way first class train to Greenville?B:.... 3. A: What platform is for the train to Foxly?B: ........4. A: What time does the train to Westview arrive?B:.......5. A: How much is the fare of the round trip second class train to Greenville?B:......tolong jawab dgn benar ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B : trains to Greytown leave at 8.15 and 9.20

2. B : One-way first class train fare to Greenville is $21.20

3. B : train to Foxly on platform 9

4. B : trains to Westview arrive at 10.35 and 11.20

5. B : Round trip second class train fare to Greenville is $31.50

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Last Update: Tue, 05 Jul 22