B. in the blanks with the words in the box!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bhocilb6 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. in the blanks with the words in the box! The Shoemaker and the Elves Once upon a time a shoemaker (1)... with his wife behind his workshop. The shoemaker was a good man, and he worked hard, but he was very poor. He did not have enough leather to make shoes. But, if he did not make shoes, he and his wife would not have any food to (2) .. He had only enough leather to make one pair of shoes. He cut out the leather and then left it on the workbench. The shoemaker was very (3)..., so he thought of making shoes in the morning. The next morning he (4)... a pair of nicely finished shoes on his workbench. Soon a man came in and bought them for a good price. With the money, the shoemaker was able to buy enough leather to make two new pairs of shoes. He cut out the leather and went to (5) .. The next morning there were two pairs of beautiful shoes. The shoemaker put them in the window, and before lunchtime, he had sold both pairs for an excellent price. It went on and soon, the shoemaker became a (6) ... man. The shoemaker and his wife wanted to (7)... who was making all the beautiful shoes for them. So that night the shoemaker left some leather in his workbench as usual. Then instead of going to bed, he and his wife hid behind the curtains. They saw two tiny elves dancing and sewing the shoes. The shoemaker was astonished. They both decided to repay the elves for their (8) .... So they made some warm clothes and tiny shoes for them. That night, instead of leaving leather on his workbench, the shoemaker left the clothes and hid behind the curtain. The little elves hopped up onto the workbench and saw the clothes and shoes that had been left for them. In the twinkling of an eye, they had dressed up. They were so (9) .... They clapped and jumped excitedly and danced on the table, singing silly songs. The shoemaker and his wife never (10)... the elves again. They both never had any problem again. They lived happily ever after. seron nagu know falta saw gergasi Ielah eat maltos ditemuanine happy wealthy lived he tired sleep help tolong found 7du Answer the questions according to the text! 1. What was the shoemaker like? Answer:2. What did the shoemaker make in order to have food? Answer:
3. When were the pairs of shoes sold? Answer:
4Who helped the shoemaker make the shoes? Answer:
5"So they made some warm clothes and tiny shoes for them." What does the word "they" refer to? HOTS Answer: RER​

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Last Update: Tue, 12 Apr 22