Complete the following sentences using simple future tense in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari izansetiawan46 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the following sentences using simple future tense in the form of "will" and be going to "!1. If you work in the bank, you (earn) a lot of money.
(will) .......................................................
(be going to) ......................................
(Interrogative) ...................................

2. Mr. Robert and his team (travel) to the europe for business trip.
(will) ..............................................
(be going to) ...............................
(Interrogative) ..............................

3. I (come) to play tennis this Saturday
(be going to).................................

4. Some UNTAD students (visit) Australia next month.
(will) ...............................................
(be going to) ................................
(Interrogative) ...............................

5. We (send) our money to the charity tomorrow.
(will) ...............................................
(be going to) ..................................
(Interrogative) .................................​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.(will) if you work in the bank you will earn alot of money

(be going to) if you work in the bank, you are going to earn a lot of money

(interrogative) could you earn a lot of money if you work in the bank?

2.(will) Mr. Robert and his team will travel to the europe for business trip

(be going to) Mr. Robert and his team are going to travel to the europe for business trip

(interrogative) will Mr. Robert and his team travel to the europe for business trip?

3.(will) I will come to play tennis this Saturday

(be going to) I am going to come to play tennis this Saturday

(interrogative) are you going to come to play tennis this saturday?

4.(will) Some UNTAD students will visit Australia next month.

(be going to) Some UNTAD students are going to visit Australia next month.

(interrogative) are some UNTAD students going to visit australia next month?

5.(will) We will send our money to the charity tomorrow.

(be going to) We are going to send our money to the charity tomorrow.

(interrogative) are we/they going to send our money to the charity tommorow?

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Last Update: Wed, 02 Feb 22