1. Anton : "I (…) my head is going to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari azillahnur14 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Anton : "I (…) my head is going to (…). I (…) the code for four days, and im going (…)." || Jono : "Chill bro. Keep (…)! You’re eventually be (…)" *A.guess, blow up, have done, to be there, swimming, there
B. think, explode, have been doing, nowhere, trying, there
C. feel, freeze, had done, somewhere else, doing, here
D. guess, be numb, had been doing, anywhere, spirit, here
E. think, be torn, has done, here, coding, here

2. Ayana : "(…) you (…) give me more (…) about this matter?" || Spokesman : "(…) since It’s (…) Ms. Ayana. But we’re happy to (…) here." *
A. can, provide to, informations, I’m sure, secret, welcome
B. would, please, information, we’re happy, open-source, have
C.could, not, info, yes, secret, welcome D. would, mind, information, anytime Ma’am, our happiness, welcome.
E. could , please, information, I’m afraid not, confidential, have

3. Teacher : “Okay (…) up student! I want you to make five (…) group and then (…) a leader. (…) group will (…) in (…) direction. (…) the map you’ve been (…) (…). See you at the bonfire.” || Students : “Yes Sir!” *
A. Stand, person, choose, every, take, the same, follows, bought, later B. Listen, member, pick, each, walk, different, follow, received, earlier
C. Hurry, person, have, each, run, same, follow, brought, later
D. Keep , people, point, every, follow, the opposite, mind, given, earlier
E. Bring, member, choose, every, take, the opposite, follow, received, later

4. Anita : “Do you mind if I close the door?” || Karin : “(…). Honestly I’ve been thinking the same. I just hasitate to tell you. I thought you’re the keeping-the-door-open type of person.” *
A. Not at all
B. Yes, I do mind
C. Sure, I mind.
D. Keep the door open please!
E. Okay, I will close the door

5. Bowo (…) (…) basket ball. He has (…) a lot of tournaments. Also It (…) him a scholarship.
A. like, play, win, bring
B. love, play, won, gives
C. love, playing, win, grant
D. love, playing, won, grants
E. like, to play, won, give ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. b


3. c

4. a

5. 3


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Last Update: Tue, 25 Jan 22