6. What are they talking about? a. Cooking recipe b.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari erlinawati3006 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

6. What are they talking about?a. Cooking recipe
b. Dinner
c. Family
d. lesson.
7. Is Carol cooking salad for dinner?
a. Yes, she does.
b. No, she doesn't.
c. Yes, she is.
d. No, she isn't
8. Why does Hanna call Carol for?
a. For joking
b. For certain need.
C. For saying hello
d. for having fun.
9. How do they speak?
a. By video call.
b. By phone.
c. By email.
d. By Instagram
10. From the text we know that ..., except!
a. Hanna just want to say hello to Carol.
b. Carol is cooking fried chicken for dinner. c. Hanna is feeling bored.
d. Hanna wants to tell something important to Carol.
11. Look at the picture! What are they doing? a. They are playing games
b. They are talking each other.
c. They are speaking each other.
d. They are playing their gadget.
12. "Nina is a chef. She always prepares food at her cafe. She sells many delicious foods such as cakes, bakeries, dishes, and drinks. Her cafe is open from 07.00 am to 10.00 pm. Now, it is 10.00 am. What do you think Nina is doing this time?"
a. Nina is closing her cafe because it is about to be bankrupt.
b. Nina is going to sleep because it's time for break.
c. Nina is cooking and selling dishes for her cafe. d. Nina is delivering posts around the city. (I.do)?
13. Sally :Now, close your eyes and listen carefully. What....... Inggrit: You are knocking the door.
a. am doing
c. is doing
b. are doing
d. aren't I doing
14. checking-Marsya-the-is-menu-for-party-her-afternoon-this. Arrange the sentence into good order.
a. The menu is checking Marsya for her party this afternoon.
b. Marsya is checking the menu for her party this afternoon.
c. the party is checking the menu for marsya this afternoon
d. marsya is chescking the party for menu this afternoon.​
6. What are they talking about? a. Cooking recipe b. Dinner c. Family d. lesson. 7. Is Carol cooking salad for dinner? a. Yes, she does. b. No, she doesn't. c. Yes, she is. d. No, she isn't 8. Why does Hanna call Carol for? a. For joking b. For certain need. C. For saying hello d. for having fun. 9. How do they speak? a. By video call. b. By phone. c. By email. d. By Instagram 10. From the text we know that ..., except! a. Hanna just want to say hello to Carol. b. Carol is cooking fried chicken for dinner. c. Hanna is feeling bored. d. Hanna wants to tell something important to Carol. 11. Look at the picture! What are they doing? a. They are playing games b. They are talking each other. c. They are speaking each other. d. They are playing their gadget. 12.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.








maaf kak kalau salah

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Last Update: Mon, 16 May 22