1. ________ more than the amount that is budgeted for this

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari SabrinaOctav pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. ________ more than the amount that isbudgeted for this project
(A) Don’t spend
(B) Not spend
(C) Doesn’t spend
(D) Won’t spend

2. It is _______ to see sales drop somewhat
at this time of year.
(A) type
(B) typify
(C) typical
(D) typically

3. We don’t expect a large number of people to show ____ for the afternoon meeting.
(A) up
(B) in
(C) out
(D) off

4. 7. It is very important to sign the application form ______ you submit it to the Human Resources Office.
(A) after
(B) before
(C) as soon as
(D) until

5. Ms. Jackson is interested in reading the marketing report and asked us to send _______ a copy.
(A) she
(B) herself
(C) hers
(D) her

6. All the employees working in this department _______ a formal evaluation at the end of the year.
(A) has received
(B) is receiving
(C) receives
(D) receive

7. Our office is conveniently located directly across the street _______ the subway station.
(A) from
(B) of
(C) to
(D) on

8. We have to pay taxes when we _______ parts from overseas to use in manufacturing our products
(A) report
(B) import
(C) deport
(D) export

9. There aren’t _______ chairs for the meeting, so we will have to get some from the other room.
(A) much
(B) number
(D) quantity

10. You really should_______ a lawyer before you sign any of those documents.
(A) consult
(B) to consult
(C) consulting
(D) consultation

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Multiple Choice:

1. (A) Don’t spend

2. (C) typical

3. (A) up

4. (B) before

5. (D) her

6. (D) receive

7. (A) from

8. (B) import

9. (C) enough

10. (A) consult


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

1. A. karena kita tidak boleh menghabiskan dana melebihi anggaran

2. C. karena kalimat membutuhkan Adjective (kata sifat) yaitu "typical"

3. A. karena mereka tidak mengharapkan banyak orang datang rapat

4. B. karena penting untuk menandatangani formulir sebelum dikirim

5. D. karena kalimat membutuhkan Object Pronoun yaitu "her"

6. D. karena penilaian berulang setiap tahun dan subjek jamak, receive

7. A. karena setelah kata across memakai preposisi "from"

8. B. karena mereka mengimpor / mendatangkan suku cadang dari luar

9. C. karena jumlah kursinya tidak cukup, jadi mereka perlu tambah kursi

10. A. karena setelah Modal Verb "Should" harus kata kerja ke-1 "consult"

Semoga membantu ya.

Jawaban:Multiple Choice:1. (A) Don’t spend2. (C) typical3. (A) up4. (B) before5. (D) her6. (D) receive7. (A) from8. (B) import9. (C) enough10. (A) consultPenjelasan:Jawaban dicetak tebal.1. A. karena kita tidak boleh menghabiskan dana melebihi anggaran2. C. karena kalimat membutuhkan Adjective (kata sifat) yaitu

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Last Update: Sun, 19 Jun 22