Task t arrange these jumbled words into the correct sentence!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari NelisNuryani1632 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task t arrange these jumbled words into the correct sentence! susunlah kata-kata acak berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar! 1. the story - interesting - very - about - sangkuriang - is answer: 2. there - was - beautiful - a - one day-queen answer: 3. can - where-we-about-read - folk tales - ? answer: 4. story-the-legend-of-rawa pening-is-a answer: 5. is - malin kundang - story - a -from-sumatra answer: 6. is-what-most-story-your-- favourite answer: 7. you-like-do-of --bromo -legend-the-mount - ? answer: 8. afraid -am - we-1 - can't - the-story - find answer: 9. 1-yes-like - folktale answer: 10. is-the-where-story - ? - fromanawer:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. interesting very about the story is Sangkuriang

2. one day there was a beautiful

3. where can we about read folk tales?

4. the story is legend of rawa pening

5. story Malin Kundang is a from Sumatra

6. what is most your story?

7. do you like of the legend mount Bromo?

8. we can't am afraid 1 find the story

9. 1 folktale yes like

10. where is the story?


terima kasih

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Last Update: Tue, 31 May 22