Nadin Task 2 Listen to the dialogue to fill the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari achaaaFebryana pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Nadin Task 2 Listen to the dialogue to fill the blanks!Sue: Mom, what are we (1) .......... for dinner?
Mother: Hmm, we have decided it last week, remember?
Sue :Yeah, I see. But, can we have chocolate pudding, mom?! (2) ......... to eat chocolate pudding
Mother: We (3) ........... to ask your sister too.
Sue : Okay, mom. I am (4) ........... a message to Yuri. I am (5) ........... her whether she wants to eat chocolate pudding or not.
Mother: Okay. Hopefully she is fine. Sue : I hope so. Oh, she is (6)........... a message. Yeay... she says okay. We are (7) chocolate pudding this evening.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Jawab :
1. eating
2. I want
3. need
4. sending
5. asking
6. typing
7. having

Penjelasan :

Sue : Mom, what are we (1) eating for dinner?

Mother : Hmm, we have decided it last week, remember?

Sue : Yeah, I see. But, can we have chocolate pudding, Mom? (2) I want to eat chocolate pudding.

Mother : We (3) need to ask your sister too.

Sue : Okay, Mom. I am (4) sending a message to Yuri. I am (5) asking her whether she wants to eat chocolate pudding or not.

Mother : Okay. Hopefully she is fine.

Sue : I hope so. Oh, she is (6) typing a message. Yeay… she says Okay. We are (7) having chocolate pudding this evening.

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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22