The Mole and His Mother A little Mole once said

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The Mole and His Mother A little Mole once said to his Mother: “Why, Mother, you said I was blind! But I am sure I can see!" Mother Mole saw she would have to get such conceit out of his head. So she put a bit of frankincense before him and asked him to tell what it was. The little Mole peered at it. "Why, that's a pebble!" "Well, my son, that proves you've lost your sense of smell as well as being blind."1. What is the mole's characteristic?
a. Boastful. c. Greedy
b. Humble. d. Coward

2. What kind of thing brought by the mother mole?
a. A pebble. c. A bread
b. A cheese. d. A cake

3. What is the moral lesson from the story above?
a. Boast of one thing and you will be found lacking in that andba few other things as well
b. Honesty is everything
c. Being cowar is the only way to get out
d. Don't be a foolish person

4. What will the readers feel after reading the text above?
a. They will feel entertained
b. They will feel sad.
c. They will feel angry
d. They will feel araid

5. What did the text above teach us?
a. To be a humble person
b. To be a cheerful person
c. To be a motherly person
d. To be a careless person​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.




3.A.Boast of one thing and you will be found lacking in that andba few other things as well

4.B.They will feel sad

5.A.To be a humble person

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Last Update: Sat, 23 Apr 22