bahasa Inggris l minat​ ada yang bisa membantu?

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari billa5507 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Bahasa Inggris l minat​ ada yang bisa membantu?
bahasa Inggris l minat​ ada yang bisa membantu?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The thesis of the text is that trees are essential to our life on earth.

2.  The meaning of that sentence is that trees absorb all of the harmful carbon from the atmosphere and in exchange produce oxygen so we could breathe.

3. The writer recommends the reader to plant more trees.

4. Yes I do agree that Canteens should be clean. It must be in a clean condition to prevent the occurrence of negligence, immunity and accidents to food handlers and consumers in the school canteen premises. A horrible and dirty environment might drive some students away from the canteen because of the smell, and those who still go into the canteen might be sick because of them going into the canteen.

5. In our school, there is only one canteen. I usually make my lunches at home and eat in the classroom like most of my classmates. The reason why the majority of the students don’t go to the school’s canteen is because it’s dirty. If the school wants the canteens to be used by the students then they should clean it. Dirty canteens have a health risk for the students as they could get sick. Not to mention, that the canteen should be prioritizing students happiness and comfort which a dirty canteen does neither of those. Also, if the canteen is close to a school park or anything out doors, you could smell the dirtiness from all around the school which makes it quite unpleasant.

// capek saya tulis,, semoga membantu tapi

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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22