mutiara departement store is one of big departementstores in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadianursyafiqah628 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mutiara departement store is one of big departementstores in the city it is on kencana raya street.The building consits of three sells a lot of things.The first floor is for mobile phone centre.The second floor is for supermarket of daily needs,and the other floor is for fashion and accecories.My sister,Riana and l usually go shopping to mutiara departement store every month.we go there by taxi because it is far,around 1 kilometer from my house,we buy some daily needs,cosmetis,and some accessories.In mutiara departement store,after choosing and picking the things we want to buy,we take then Inna basket or trolley,and bring then to the cashier.We can choose various goods by is enjoyble to go shopping in a departement store.1.what is the text described about?
2.where is the location of the building?
3.what does the writer and sister go to the place? does the building look like?
5.what is the definition of"departement store"​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. This is a kind of descriptive text. So the text described about Mutiara Departement Store.

2. Based on the first sentence, mutiara departement store located on Kencana Raya Street. Then if you read it far, we can found that this store is 1 km away from Riana and the writers house.

3. The writer and her/his sister go to that place. They usually shopping every mounth in there to buy daily needs, accessories, and cosmetics

4. The building has three floors. The first floor is for mobile phone centre. The second floor is for supermarket of daily needs,and the third loor is for fashion and accecories.

5. From that text, departement store is one of modern market which sells various things.

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Last Update: Sat, 09 Jul 22