Hi, Brandon, how are you? Hope you are find th

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yantilorowahi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Hi, Brandon, how are you? Hope you are find th I'm so glad to receive your Christmas present, sorry for replaying your latter late. I have to cau I also exciting a news for you! Do you kn grandparents! My mom and my dad also said want, yeah! I can wait to see you soon and do n Is it any good? I am waiting for your reply soon and see you in With love Nathan 1. What is the purpose of the letter? 2. How does Nathan feels 3. What does Nathan making for Brandon 4. What did Nathan Parents said to him? 5. Please write down Structure of persona Read the sentences and find the cause and ef 6. Sentence: I didn't bring any money to Cause : Effect: 7. Sentence: The food delivery was not co Cause: Effect: 8. Sentence: Cause: Effect: her room is always dirty. 9. Sentence: Cause: due to the heavy rain Effect: 10. Please make your own sentence about Sentence: Cause: Effect:​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Based on the letter which the content are shown as below:

Hi, Brandon, how are you? Hope you are find th I'm so glad to receive your Christmas present, sorry for replaying your latter late. I have to cause I also exciting, a news for you! Do you know grandparents! My mom and my dad also said want, yeah! I cant wait to see you soon and do n is it any good? I am waiting for your reply soon and see you in With love Nathan.

The question of the following are able to be answer as below:

  1. What is the purpose of the letter? to tell brandon that he thanks him for the present.
  2. How does Nathan feels ? He feels very excited.
  3. What does Nathan making for Brandon? He makes a schedule to visit brandon.
  4. What did Nathan Parents said to him? they said they agreed with brandon plan.
  5. Please write down Structure of persona,read the sentences and find the cause and effect?  this question can be answered because there is no sentences attached or referred from this question.
  6. Sentence: I didn't bring any money to. Cause : I forget to bring my wallet.
  7. Sentence: The food delivery was not cooked. Cause of effect not being cooked long enough.
  8. Sentence: her room is always dirty. cause: she didnt clean it. effect: she will sick.
  9. Sentence: cause: due to the heavy rain. Effect: I cant go to the hospital.
  10. Please make your own sentence about Sentence: cause: The terminal flooded. Effect:​ The bus cant operate well.


Cause and effect text adalah sebuah teks yang menjabarkan tentang penyebab sebuah kejadian dan akibat dari tindakan yang dilakukan.

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Last Update: Wed, 22 Jun 22