Batas besok:Sinta: Like mother like daughter.Louis: Yes, I know right.Sinta:

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurulinda7788 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Batas besok:Sinta: Like mother like daughter.

Louis: Yes, I know right.

Sinta: If she has a good attitude, maybe she can save her whole life from getting stuck in her inner thoughts, just thinking about it makes me want to throw up.

Clara: Why you hate Lily so much, Sinta? You both are human though.

Sinta: Yes, but at least, I am not like her.

Clara: I suggest you not to talk about people in their back. It is a bad thing you can do, you know? No matter how bad people are, we have no right to judge them, because we don't know them well.

Louis: Oh, wow. Clara, you are not usually like this. Are you drunk or something? Are you think in your right mind right now?

Clara: People can change, you know that.

Sinta: Suggestion can be rejected, Clara. And you have no right to tell me what the right thing I do or not, it is my mouth that say that things, who do you think you are to tell me what I must or not to do?

Clara: It is good to clean your ears, Sinta. I said earlier, it's just a suggestion, not an order. Are you listening?

Sinta: Whatever, I am so done with you.

Louis: Hey, chill, Sis. We are good friends right? Come on, do not be like that, Okay?

Sinta: Whatever. I have class, so good bye.

Clara: Me too.

Louis: I think this is will stay at least one hundred years.

1. Mention who are the characters in the dialogue above!
2. Summarize the nature of all the characters in the dialogue above!
3. Mention the setting where the dialogue above takes place!
4. Why Sinta hate Lily?
5. Why is Louis saying that Clara is not in her right mind?
6. Mention at least 5 lessons that we can take from the dialogue!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Clara , Sinta , and Louis

2. GK bisa bahasa Inggris

3. GK bisa bahasa Inggris

4. i don't know

5. don't ask me

6. Don't know


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Last Update: Tue, 21 Jun 22