U. The damage of something Path Activity 27: CHECK UP

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rojifahruroji7 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

U. The damage of something Path Activity 27: CHECK UP YOUR UNDERSTANDING Read the text below to answer questions PR 1-7 My friends said that I am an innocent boy. I did not wonder why they said so. Some said that I never enjoyed modern lives around me. I just went to school and went home on time. Last Saturday, however, I was forced by my friends to join them celebrating my classmate's birthday party in a modern restaurant. I really wanted to refuse it but they all convinced me that everything would be all right. So, right after school, we left for the restaurant. We went there by public transportation. I did not have any idea about the restaurant. When we arrived there, I was amazed. It was so big and modern and honestly, my heart beat so fast as I had never been in a such restaurant before. I was too scared that I would embarrass my friends. So, I just followed my friends. Fortunately, my friend managed everything. We just sat and waited for the meal in the table reserved by my friend. I was relieved for knowing that I did not need to reserve my own food as I did not know how. I was happy as everything ran well until I was confused to wash my hands. I asked my friend, Yunan, to show me where the water faucet was but he said, "Find yourself! You must be brave. It's easy to find it." Hearing it, I stood up, looked around to find the water faucet. Finally, my eyes caught a water faucet, I thought, in the corner. Without any doubt, I turned the water tap, and "Oh, My God!" I was shocked as the water was red! I thought for a moment, what it was. Before I found the answer, my hands were getting hotter and hotter. It was chili sauce! I looked around and I was relieved since no one saw my reddish face with full of chili sauce on my hands. Fortunately, I saw someone who wanted to wash his hands, I thought, as he has finished his meal. So, I followed him, and I was correct. I was so glad because I could clean any chili sauce from my hands. I could see from the mirror, the man beside me looked at me suspiciously but I did not care about it.​

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So even if you can get it To further fight

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Last Update: Wed, 24 Aug 22