The following dialog is for questions 6 to 8 Angga: I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vawhy pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The following dialog is for questions 6 to 8Angga: I think Ineed a marah you have a recommendation?
Elly: My neighbor, Mrs. Septi. She opens
a course at her house. You can join her
private class.
Angga : Is she patient?
Elly: She is. I know her since I attend her regular class. She is also smart.
Angga : Ah, I see. No wonder you are good at math.
What about the fee?
Elly: It's Rp 30,000,00 per hour. It's affordable,
isn't it? Moreover, we can arrange the
Angga : Well, I will tell my parents about it.
Elly: If you are interested to join, please tell me.
I will accompany you to meet her.
Angga : Thanks. I will inform you soon.

6. Why can Elly describe Mrs. Septi well?
A.Mrs. Septi is a famous teacher.
B. Mrs. Septi is Elly's new neighbor.
C.Mrs. Septi is Elly's course teacher.
D. Mrs. Septi is the owner of a famous course.

7. Why is Angga interested to attend the course?
A. The course is free.
B. The teacher is patient.
C.Angga goes to the same class with Elly.
D. The course is near his house.

8. What will Angga do after arriving home?
A. Attend a math course at his house
B. Ask for his parents' permission to join
a course
C. Prepare himself for a math course at
Mrs. Septi's house
D. Call Mrs. Septi for further information
about the course

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6. c

7. b

8. b


semoga membantu:)

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Last Update: Sat, 07 May 22