Simple Present Tense vs. Simple Past Tense Complete the following

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Simple Present Tense vs. Simple Past TenseComplete the following sentences with the suitable form of verbs!

1. As early as 1767, Jacob Christian Schäffer of Germany (create) ....... machine. the first
2. The users of computer (type) ....... and enter commands using a keyboard.
3. A stylus (absorb) ........ electricity for use on modern smartphones, tablets, and other capacitive touchscreens.
4. Netbooks typically (have) ........ pounds or less and are very affordable.
5. A refrigerator (work) .......  to transfer heat from inside to outside, which is why it feels warm on the back side of fridge near the metal pipes.
6. The first mobile telephones for automobiles (come out) ........ in the 1940s.
7. CCTV (record) ..... images of people in certain public places.
8. A headset (allow) ....... the user to talk and listen while keeping their hands free.
9. Douglas Engelbert (invent) ......  a computer mouse while working at Xerox PARC.
10. During the war, radio (become) ...... an invaluable tool in sending and receiving messages.

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Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kebiasaan dan fakta. Sedangkan, Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dimasa lampau.

Berikut jawaban dari soal di atas!

  1. As early as 1767, Jacob Christian Schäffer of Germany (created) machine. the first
  2. The users of computer (type) and enter commands using a keyboard.
  3. A stylus (absorbs) electricity for use on modern smartphones, tablets, and other capacitive touchscreens.
  4. Netbooks typically (have) pounds or less and are very affordable.
  5. A refrigerator (works) to transfer heat from inside to outside, which is why it feels warm on the back side of fridge near the metal pipes.
  6. The first mobile telephones for automobiles (came out) in the 1940s.
  7. CCTV (records) images of people in certain public places.
  8. A headset (allows) the user to talk and listen while keeping their hands free.
  9. Douglas Engelbert (invented) a computer mouse while working at Xerox PARC.
  10. During the war, radio (became) an invaluable tool in sending and receiving messages.


1. Simple present tenseadalah kalimat yang berfungsi untuk mengutarakanfaktadankebiasaan. Kata kerja yang digunakan adalah verb 1. Terdapat penambahan -s/-es di akhir kata kerja untuk orang ketiga tunggal yaitu he, she, it. Penggunaan has untuk he, she, it dan Have untuk I, you, they, we.


  • He goes to school
  • I have an apple
  • My mom washes dishes in the kitchen

2. Simple past tenseadalah kalimat yang mengekspresikan kejadian yang sudah terjadidimasa lampau. Verb yang digunakan yaitu verb 2. Terdapat 2 bentuk verb yakni:

  • Irregular (tidak beraturan) = Awake - Awoke
  • Regular (beraturan) = tambahkan -ed/-d di akhir kata kerja. Stay - Stayed.


  • I played football with my friends yesterday
  • JK went to school with his new car last week
  • They met me at school two days ago

Merujuk soal di atas, yang berbentuk past tense berada pada nomor 1, 6, 9, 10 yang menunjukkan kejadian di masa lalu. Sedangkan yang lainnya merupakan bentuk dari simple present tense.

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Jun 22