Buat masing masing 10 kalimat simple past tense dan simple

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Buat masing masing 10 kalimat simple past tense dan simple fresent ferfect tense

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

simple past:

1.1 played football Yesterday. 2. She woke up early in the morning. 3. You didn't write a letter last week. 4. They went to the office early. 5. Did you sing the song on stage? 6. We ate pizza in the bakery shop. 7. My father lived in California. 8. She spoke good English to the interviewer. 9. Did you not finish your homework? 10 When did buy this mobile?

present perfect:

1. I have been in London for two weeks. 2. The movie "Saw" hasn't got the Oscar Prize. 3. Have you lived here all your life? 4. My father has just gone to bed. 5. We have lived in this house since 2015. 6. I have already ironed the shirts. 7. We have stayed in the pool since at 9 o'clock. 8. Mark has studied two foreign languages. 9. We have visited Florida several times. 10. Have you ever broken arm?

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Last Update: Wed, 11 May 22