find out the conparative and superlative form of three adjective​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yusaan56 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Find out the conparative and superlative form of three adjective​
find out the conparative and superlative form of three adjective​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



4. closer

5. smarter

6. cleverer

7. quieter/more quiet

8. simpler

9. stupider

10. politer

11. gentler

12. narrower

13. happier

14. prettier

15. tidier

16. easier

17. juicier

18. friendlier

19. most fun/funner

20. more modern

21. more famous

22. more carefully

23. more careless

24. more active

25. more important

26. better

27. more comfortable

28. more intelligent

29. more interesting

30. more delicious


4. closest

5. smartest

6. cleverest

7. most quiet/ quietest

8. simplest

9. stupidest/most stupid

10. politest

11. gentlest

12. narrowest

13. happiest

14. prettiest

15. tidiest

16. easiest

17. juiciest

18. most friendly

19. most fun

20. the most modern

21. the most famous

22. most carefully

23. the most careless

24. most active

25. most important

26. best

27. the most comfortable

28. the most intelligent

29. the most interesting

30. the most delicious


it is a comparative and superlative verb , now i want to share it some examples sentences from comparative and superlative :

the example =

• cheetah is the fastest animal in the world

• ali is taller than abdul

• i am the smartest student in this class!

• my grandmother is older than my mom


sorry jika ada beberapa ada yang salah, semoga bermanfaat

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Last Update: Tue, 24 May 22