Fill the blank spaces with the correct words! 1. My

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dwicahyaniadel pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Fill the blank spaces with the correct words!1. My sister (want not) ........... I to go the zoo because she is afraid of the animals
2. My PR class (begin) ..... at nine o'clock every Tuesday.
3. Television stations ( provide ) ...... several programs we can enjoy every day.
4. we ( recognize, not ) ........ the artist when she is bare face.
5. Robert and Natasha always ( talk ) ..... in the phone before going to the office.
6. The letters ( be, not ) ..... in the post office today.
7. The wifi router ( work, not ) .... properly today.
8. Kathy usually ( sit ) ......... in the front row during philosophy class.
9. I can't afford that diamond because it ( cost ) ..... to much
10. The pictorial book ( belong, not ) ...... to me.​

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Last Update: Mon, 04 Jul 22