B. Inggris1. what is the original habitat of Guava?2. what

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari scenerys pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. Inggris1. what is the original habitat of Guava?
2. what is the character of guava fruit?
3. what is the color of guava's bark?
4. mention benefits in eating guava!
5. who is the target reader of the text above?

B. Inggris1. what is the original habitat of Guava?2. what is the character of guava fruit?3. what is the color of guava's bark?4. mention benefits in eating guava!5. who is the target reader of the text above?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Guavas originated from an area thought to extend from Mexico, Central America or northern South America throughout the Caribbean region. Archaeological sites in Peru yielded evidence of guava cultivation as early as 2500 BC.

2. The fruits are round to pear-shaped and measure up to 7.6 cm in diameter; their pulp contains many small hard seeds (more abundant in wild forms than in cultivated varieties). The fruit has a yellow skin and white, yellow, or pink flesh. The musky, at times pungent, odour of the sweet pulp is not always appreciated.

3. The older stems are covered in a smooth, light reddish-brown, bark that peels off in flakes. This sometimes gives the trunks a mottled appearance, because the newly revealed bark is somewhat greenish-brown in colour. Younger stems are greenish in colour, hairy (pubescent), and somewhat four-angled (quadrangular).


A. May Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels. ...

B. May Boost Heart Health. ...

C. May Help Relieve Painful Symptoms of Menstruation. ...

D. May Benefit Your Digestive System. ...

E. May Aid Weight Loss. ...

F. May Have an Anticancer Effect. ...

G. May Help Boost Your Immunity. ...

H. Eating Guavas May Be Good for Your Skin.

5.  target audience is the person or group of people a piece of writing is intended to reach. In other words, it is important for a writer to know who will be reading his or her writing. This audience is the person or group of people the writer is aiming for or trying to reach.

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Last Update: Thu, 28 Apr 22