hahaha if it's easy, people whose names are liked, surely

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ndaa6123 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Hahaha if it's easy, people whose names are liked, surely everyone will know about him, true love, love that is lost, doesn't come, will come, but when it's found. It's too easy for me to say that I'm going out with the person I like, not me but we even talk about our future, it's too easy that we don't know how hard it is when we're adults. I know I like you I'm embarrassed I'm not confident I'm self-conscious too and I don't want to disappoint my parents and your parents and you. same god. so I hope you can know who I am and I hope you don't lose your parents' feelings sorry if there's a lottolong artiin , pas aku artiin di google ga nyambung artinyaa​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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hahaha if it's easy, people whose names are liked, surely everyone will know about him, true love, love that is lost, doesn't come, will come, but when it's found. It's too easy for me to say that I'm going out with the person I like, not me but we even talk about our future, it's too easy that we don't know how hard it is when we're adults. I know I like you I'm embarrassed I'm not confident I'm self-conscious too and I don't want to disappoint my parents and your parents and you. same god. so I hope you can know who I am and I hope you don't lose your parents' feelings sorry if there's a lot

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Jun 22