This text is for questions 19 to 22. Builders in

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This text is for questions 19 to 22. Builders in colder climates are less likely to slowdown or shutdown their operations due to cold weather than builders in warmer climates. In Canada and the north central states, where temperatures are generally lower than they are in the rest of the United States, building in winter is a common practice. The majority of builders in Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Edmonton, Calgary and Vancouver build all year long. Their attitude is "business as usual”. Although they have between 5 and 25 percent fewer starts in winter, they don't consider shutting down or even substantially slow down. About 80 percent of the builders in the Minneapolis area work through winter. Their attitude is "why stop because it gets cold?" Except for a snowstorm or high winds or extremely low temperatures, builders in Minneapolis lose very few production days. "It takes about two weeks for us to get weatherized and then we're O.K.," says one Minneapolis builder. Many Minneapolis builders say they lose more time in March and April when the spring thaw comes than they do in winter. Taken from: All-Weather Home Building Manual19. What is the text about?
A: The effects of cold weather.
B. The disadvantages of being builders. C: The effects of winter.
D. How to build home in winter.
E. Building in cold weather.​

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E. building in cold weather

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Jun 22