mohon bantuannya!!!Make a simple past tense sentence using subject and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dimaszakaria55 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Mohon bantuannya!!!Make a simple past tense sentence using subject and verb below.
(My Father) (drive)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(My mother) (cook)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(Thania) (read)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(Ricardo and Susan) (play)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(I) (swim)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...

Make a past continuous tense sentence using subject and verb below.
(My Father) (drive)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(My mother) (cook)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(Thania) (read)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(Ricardo and Susan) (play)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...
(I) (swim)
(+) ...
(−) ...
(?) ...

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (+) My mother bought many vegetables in the market yesterday.

(-) My mother did not buy many vegetables in the market yesterday.

(?) Did My mother buy many vegetables in the market yesterday?

2. (+) I went to library last week.

(-) I did not go to library last week.

(?) Did you go to library last week?

3. (+) He did this homework last night.

(-) He did not do this homework last night.

(?) Did He do this homework last night?

4. (+) We stayed in Bali two years ago.

(-) We did not stay in Bali two years ago.

(?) Did We stay in Bali two years ago?

5. (+) My father gave me a new car four days ago.

(-) My father did not give me a new car four days ago.

(?) Did My father give me a new car four days ago?

6. (+) They went to post office last month.

(-) They did not go to post office last month.

(?) Did They go to post office last month?

7. (+) Jessi met a police yesterday.

(-) Jessi did not meet a police yesterday.

(?) Did Jessi meet a police yesterday?

8. (+) The students played football three days ago.

(-) The students did not play football three days ago.

(?) Did The students play football three days ago?

9. (+) I was a student at Junior High School five years ago.

(-) I was not a student at Junior High School five years ago.

(?) Was you a student at Junior High School five years ago?

10. (+) Ila and Ami were here an hour ago.

(-) Ila and Ami were not here an hour ago.

(?) Were Ila and Ami here an hour ago?

11. (+) Riko was sick yesterday.

(-) Riko was not sick yesterday.

(?) Was Riko sick yesterday?

12. (+) My teacher was very angry last week.

(-) My teacher was not very angry last week.

(?) Was My teacher very angry last week?

13. (+) They were happy last night.

(-) They were not happy last night.

(?) Were they happy last night?

14. (+) Mrs. Fika made a dress two weeks ago.

(-) Mrs. Fika did not make a dress two weeks ago.

(?) Did Mrs. Fika make a dress two weeks ago?

15. (+) My parents were busy yesterday.

(-) My parents were not busy yesterday.

(?) Were my parents busy yesterday?


Simple Past Tense merupakan tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang telah berlalu dan telah benar-benar selesai. biasanya ditandai dengan yesterday, last week, last night, two days ago, an hour ago dan lain-lain. rumus :

Verbal, jika predikat berupa kata kerja (verb),

(+) Subject + Verb2 + Object.

(-) Subject + did not + Verb1 + Object.

(?) Did + Subject + Verb1 + Object?

Non-Verbal/Nominal, jika predikat berupa to be,

(+) Subject + was/were + Complement.

(-) Subject + was/were + not + Complement.

(?) Was/were + Subject + Complement?

Penjelasan:Semohga Membantu :)

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh myudhafirmansyah711 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Sun, 24 Apr 22