Why the sea is salty(philippines)long time ago, the sea was

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Why the sea is salty(philippines)
long time ago, the sea was not salty. people got their sal from the mountain of salt
stop the sea. one day, the villagers ran out of salt. they could not set out to sea because the
walls were high and the wind was strong. needing salt very badly, the villagers remembered
ang-ngalo. ang-ngalo was a huge giant who lived in a mountain close to the village. when ang.
ngalo was fishing, the water was only up to his knees. when he walked around the mountains
the highest mountain stood na higher than his ankles.
one day, the villagers went to see the giant. they begged him. "ang-ngalo, we are running
out of salt. the mountain of salt is across the sea, but we could not use our small boats because
of the strong winds. please allow us to use your legs as bridge to cross the sea." ang-ngalo
was a kind giant. he was willing to help them, so he went the other side of the sea and sat by
its shore. he extended his legs which reached the island where the people waited. the villagers
with their empty sacks and pails climbed on his legs and walked toward the mountain of salt
unknown to ang-ngalo, his heel landed on a hill of red ants. ang-ngalo was afraid of
ants. he trembled with fear at the sight of the ants. he closed his eyes and waited until the last
villager reached the other side of the shore. then he quickly bent his knee and washed the red
ants with seawater. ang-ngalo was relieved.
soon the villagers came back with their sacks and pails full of salt. "put back your leg
down, ang-ngalo. we are ready to go home," said a villager. but ang-ngalo was overcome with
his fear of the bites of ants, so he refused to stretch his leg. "please, ang-ngalo. we need salt
to dry fish and meat. without salt, all our food will get spoiled," pleaded the women. ang-ngalo
pitied the villagers, so he stretched his leg again and said, "hurry! the red ants might crawl on
my leg again." the villagers laughed and talked as they walked slowly on the giant's leg "hurry!
hurry!" shouted ang-ngalo. "such a big man who's afraid of ants," laughed the men. "hurry!
hurry! the ants are biting me now!" but the villagers didn't listen to him. they still walked slowly.
ang-ngalo's leg was full of ants now. they started biting him and his leg was burning
with itchiness. at last, the giant could not help lifting his leg. he dipped his itchy leg in the water
to get rid of the biting ants.
the villagers were caught off guard. they fell into the sea with their bags and pails of
. ang-ngalo then saved their life. but the villagers dropped all dissolved salt in the water.
that is why to this day the sea is salty.

4. why did ang-ngalo ask the villagers to walk hurrily?
what made the sea salty?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


4. Because the ants were about to bite ang-ngalo and he's afraid of ants.

5. Because the villagers dropped their bags and pails of salt in the water.

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Last Update: Tue, 28 Jun 22