retell folktale "the town mouse and the country mouse" with

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Retell folktale "the town mouse and the country mouse" with your own englishtolong segera ya terimakasih​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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A mouse who lived in a town visited his friend. His friend lived in a country. Mouse town finally visited around the country where his friend lives. "This place smells! How can he live here?" Mouse town said. Mouse country built his house underground. "How can he live around this bad neighborhood, I can't think" Mouse town said. Mouse town knocked on his friend's door. Mouse country is shocked and happy seing Mouse town. "Welcome, friend! What made you come into this village?" Mouse country said. "I'm bored living in town, so I intend to come and see you and the way you live now! But I see your not too happy.." Mouse town said. "Who says? Come in and let me make food!" Mouse country said. Mouse town is amazed to see the inside of his friend's house.


Yang membuat pertanyaan, saya mohon maaf sekali tidak bisa menghabiskan certikan kembali The town mouse and the country mouse. Kalo kepanjangan, mohon bisa dipotong 2. Smg membantu :)

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Last Update: Mon, 04 Jul 22