Instruction A. Determine the object, subject, and verb of the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari windapujiyati963 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

InstructionA. Determine the object, subject, and verb of the following sentences.

1. She tells the truth
2. The dolls are played by the girls
3. A man played guitar last night
4. A mouse is being caught by a cat now
5. Some vegetables are chosen by a woman

B. Determine whether the following sentences are active or passive voice, then change the active voice into passive voice, and the passive voice into active voice.

1. She tells the truth
2. The dolls are played by the girls
3. A man played guitar last night
4. A mouse is being caught by a cat now 5. Some vegetables are chosen by a woman

C. Determine the tenses used of the following sentences.

1. She tells the truth
2. The dolls are played by the girls
3. A man played guitar last night
4. A mouse is being caught by a cat now 5. Some vegetables are chosen by a woman

tolong bantu jawab ya:)​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

A. Determine the object, subject, and verb of the following sentences.

1. She tells the truth


2. The dolls are played by the girls


3. A man played guitar last night


4. A mouse is being caught by a cat now


5. Some vegetables are chosen by a woman


B. Determine whether the following sentences are active or passive voice, then change the active voice into passive voice, and the passive voice into active voice.

1. She tells the truth (Active Voice)

Convertion: The truth is told by her

2. The dolls are played by the girls (Passive Voice)

Convertion: The girls play the dolls

3. A man played guitar last night (Active Voice)

Convertion: A guitar was played by a man last night

4. A mouse is being caught by a cat now (Passive Voice)

Convertion: A cat is catching a mouse now

5. Some vegetables are chosen by a woman (Passive Voice)

Convertion: A woman chooses some vegetables

C. Determine the tenses used of the following sentences.

1. She tells the truth : Simple Present

2. The dolls are played by the girls : Simple Past

3. A man played guitar last night : Simple Past

4. A mouse is being caught by a cat now : Simple Present Continous

5. Some vegetables are chosen by a woman : Simple Present


A. Penjelasan tentang Subjek, Verb, dan Objek adalah sebagai berikut:

Kata yang termasuk dalam Subjek adalah orang atau sesuatu yang dilakukan

Kata yang termasuk dalam Verb adalah kata kerja atau to be

Kata yang termasuk dalam Objek adalah kata yang menderita sesuatu atau kata setelah kata kerja

B. Passive Voice adalah kalimat pasif sedangkan Active Voice adalah kalimat aktif

Penggunaan passive voice bisa dicirikan apabila setelah to be terdapat Verb 3. Berikut adalah rumus passive voice:

  • 1. Simple Present Tense
  • Aktif : S + do/does + V1

Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V3 + by + O

  • 2.Present Continuous Tense
  • Aktif : S + to be (am, are, is) + V1-ing + O
  • Pasif : S + to be (am, are, is) + being + V3 + by + O
  • 3. Simple Past Tense
  • Aktif : S + V2 + O
  • Pasif : S + to be (was, were) + V3 + by + O

C. Simple present bisa diidentifikasikan saat ada verb(s/es). Simple Past bisa diidentifikasikan saat ada verb 2. Simple present continuous bisa diidentifikasikan saat ada verb(ing).

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Belajar tentang passive voice di sini yaa


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Last Update: Thu, 26 May 22