Should the death penalty be legal?Write a 150 words essay

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Should the death penalty be legal?Write a 150 words essay about your opinion and why did you believe your opinion is right.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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According to the author, the purpose of punishment in this right is the death penalty, among others: The purpose of implementing the death penalty is to provide a deterrent effect for criminals. From the human aspect, the death penalty is needed to protect society from the actions of bad people.

Yes, in my opinion it is true, because the death penalty is useful to deter criminals

» \large\boxed{\colorbox{black}{\boxed{\color{lavender}{\large{\bold{\color{red}{༄}{\color{blue}{An}{\color{purple}{na} {\color{lightgreen}{20}{\color{lightblue}{10}}}}}}}}}}} « \\ ༄by = Anna2010

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Last Update: Fri, 06 May 22