Example: My dad told me, “You are not supposed to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Sodikadam pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Example: My dad told me, “You are not supposed to come home late.”Answer: He told me that I was not supposed to come home late.

1. Naomi said to me, “I’ll help you with the washing-up.” *

2. Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi
Joanna said, “My dad’s watching Kung Fu Hustle at the nearest cinema with my little brother.” *

3. Pertanyaan ini wajib diisi
My little sister said, “We went to the park with some friends from our school.” *

4. Adam said, “My little sister will not come to my birthday party.” *

5. Maria told me, “I want to start baking with my grandma at home.” *

6. I told my grandpa, “I’m waiting for you in the car.” *

7. He mentioned on Twitter, “The traffic around the concert is really bad.” *

8. They told us, “We will invite you and your brother to our house for dinner next week”. *

9. She mentioned on Instagram, “I’m going to Spain, baby!" *

10 Teacher Putri said, “You are going to have a speaking test on February 14, 2022.” *

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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jau hbxjsmsunsuanai Maia Jesus Navas yang by yang efektif yang dapat amplop dari sel kanker yang berbaring di

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Last Update: Tue, 17 May 22