1.  Write example or Recount text that you know and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari divianuranisa239 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.  Write example or Recount text that you know and make question using W and H question together with the answer. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Teks Personal Recount

  • I went to Yogyakarta with my friend last year. I found many abroad tourist on my journey. They were so kind. I went to Yogyakarta by train. I stayed on homestay for one week. It was really comfy and nice. My friend and I are rented a motor cycle for our journey. At first day, we went to Borobudur and it was really cool!. At second day, we went to Hutan Pinus, the weather was really cool. At third day, we went to a cave. My journey was really fun and I wanna go there again.

WH questions

The Questions

  • What does the text tell us about?
  • Where does the writer go to her journey?
  • When does she go?
  • Why does she choose a homestay?
  • How does she go to Yogyakarta?

The Answers

  • The text tells about the writer's journey on last year
  • The writer goes to Yogyakarta on her journey
  • She tells us that She went to Yogyakarta on last year
  • She chooses a homestay because the homestay was comfy and nice
  • She goes to Jakarta by train


Recount text merupakan teks yang menceritakna sebuah kegiatan atau tindakan dari suatu penulis. Jenis recount text meliputi: Personal recount, Factual recount, factual recount, historical recount, dan imaginative.

Contoh di atas merupakan personal recount text.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

Ayo belajar tentang recount text di sini yaaaa! yomemimo.com/tugas/27355632#:~:text=Recount%20text%20merupakan%20salah%20satu,ditulis%20ke%20dalam%20Bahasa%20Inggris.


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Last Update: Thu, 26 May 22