hellppp meee pleaseeeee​

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari RmitShii pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Hellppp meee pleaseeeee​
hellppp meee pleaseeeee​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Kolom A:
1. The students Picked up the net and the ball...
2. set the net on the poles
3. They divided into two teams
4. They Began to play Volleyball
5. Team B Made the first....
6. The two teams played for about forty minutes.
7. Team A won the game

Kolom B:
1. Mr. Johnson Closed his book.
2. He Got up...
3. and stood to the door
4. He locked the door from the outside
5.He walked down to the parking lot.
6. He went into his car.
7. and Started the engine.
8. He drove away home.

Kolom C:
1. ..and a dog walked out...
2. the man brought a boy and arrow
3. They went towards the forest.
4. the man climbed on a tree
5. then he shot the arrow...
6. the dog ran into the direction
7. the dog came back with a dead rabbit....

Kolom D:
1. Father took a frying pan...
2. and placed it on the stove.
3. he poured some frying oil
4. he cut some vegetable.
5. he broke two eggs
6.  he put the rice and vegetable in.
7. finally he added some ketchup
8. and stirred
9. he cooked fried rice

mohon maaf jika ada salah

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Last Update: Tue, 17 May 22