Complete the following text with the correct answer in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari MaxSul pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the following text with the correct answer in the box!My -Grandpa's Birthday
It was my grandpa's birthday last Sunday On Friday, my sister and I went shopping at the (1) .... We bought a nice (2) ... Then, we wrapped it in a blue paper. Blue is my grandpa's favourite colour. On Saturday morning, my brother and I helped my sister making a birthday cake in the (3) .... It was a big and beautiful (4).... I wrote "Happy Birthday on it. After that, we put some chocolate and a (5)... on the top of the cake. On Sunday evening, my uncle and my aunt came to my (6)... They brought several bottles of soft-drink, and (7) .... for grandpa. Then, we sat together in the (8) .... Finally, grandpa (9)... the candle and cut the cake while we were singing a "Happy Birthday song for him. After giving each of us a piece of cake, he opened the present. He told us that he liked the present, and he was very (10) ....

(+)Living Room.

*Jika kurang jelas dengan ketikannya, gambar sudah saya terterakan​
Complete the following text with the correct answer in the box! My -Grandpa's Birthday It was my grandpa's birthday last Sunday On Friday, my sister and I went shopping at the (1) .... We bought a nice (2) ... Then, we wrapped it in a blue paper. Blue is my grandpa's favourite colour. On Saturday morning, my brother and I helped my sister making a birthday cake in the (3) .... It was a big and beautiful (4).... I wrote

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Mall

2. Shirt

3. Kitchen

4. Cake

5. Candle

6. House

7. Flowers

8. Living room

9. Blew

10. Happy

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Last Update: Fri, 06 May 22